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I Now Pronounce You…DIVORCED: Consulting an Arkansas Divorce Attorney

Lesley Burleson • August 19, 2016

No one goes into a marriage thinking that it will lead to the dreaded “D” word…divorce…but it happens and it happens more often than we would like. If you find yourself facing this situation, and are in central Arkansas or elsewhere in the state, the best advice I can give you is to talk to an Arkansas divorce attorney.

Why do I need an attorney you ask, why can’t I just get the forms at the office supply store and represent myself? Well…if you suddenly come down with cancer do you go to the pharmacy and pick up your own treatment, or do you call your best friend, who is an electrician, to come and fix your toilet…no…you go to the doctor, or call the plumber. Same can be said when it comes to divorce. You need a professional who is looking out for you and your best interest.

Divorce can be complicated, whether you think it will be a simple uncontested matter or if there are children and assets at issue. There are rules and timelines that must be followed, and your attorney will know what those are, whereas that form at the office supply store cannot give you that information. I can count on one hand the number of times that a divorce case that started out as an uncontested matter was truly uncontested.

There are a number of issues that come up in divorces that you may never think about…until it is too late. It is not just who gets custody of the kids and who is going to keep and pay for the house. There are issues surrounding financial accounts, retirement accounts, businesses, support, vehicles, and/or the children’s post-secondary education.

Maybe you have thought about all that and worked it out with your soon to be “ex”, but even if you think it will be uncontested you need a person on your side to help you navigate through the court system. Adding or including just one word in a paragraph could change the whole meaning and enforceability of your agreement. Your attorney can help you ensure that any settlement is fair, that you are not missing out on something that you are entitled to, and that the proper language is included in the final Decree so that the intent of the agreement can be executed.

So…if you find yourself having to face the dreaded “D” word, then give us a call and let us look out for you while you navigate the sometimes rough waters of the legal system.

Tripcony, May & Associates provides divorce and family law services in the state of Arkansas. With two locations in central Arkansas, Little Rock and Hot Springs, we can provide the counsel and advice to help you navigate the various issues and assist you in your time of need.

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