

Although it may seem like a will isn’t something you need until late in your life, no one can be certain of when they will die. For this reason, it is important to have an ironclad will in place if you own assets or provide for others financially. Tripcony May will walk you through the process of making important decisions and drafting an appropriate will. 

About Wills

Your will is a document that specifies who will inherit all of your property when you die, including cars, jewelry, real estate, and bank accounts. You can choose to leave everything to one person, or you can divide your property between multiple people. You can also use your will to specify funeral arrangements, make charitable contributions, and name guardians for minor children. 

Without this document, there is no guarantee that your property will be distributed according to your wishes, nor is there any guarantee that your children will be cared for by the person you believe is best for the job. 

Working with Tripcony May

Tripcony May can assist you with all aspects of will creation, ensuring that your document meets all of your specifications. We can also help you make changes to this document as needed throughout your life. To learn more or to schedule a consultation, please contact us today.

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